allied adj. 1.同盟的,同盟国的。 2.姻亲的。 3.同源的;类似的。 4.〔A-〕(第一次世界大战中)协约国的;(第二次世界大战中)同盟国的。 the A- and Associated Powers (第一次世界大战的)协约国。 the A- Military Government (第二次世界大战中的)同盟国军政府〔略 AMG〕。
supreme adj. 最上的,最高的,极上的,无上的,非常的,极度的,最优秀的,最重要的。 the S- (Being) 上帝。 the S- Pontiff 罗马教皇。 a supreme measure 死刑。 the supreme end 最终[最主要的]目的。 the supreme moment [hour] 最关紧要的一刹那,生死关头,决定性时刻。 make the supreme sacrifice 献出崇高的生命,光荣牺牲。 S- being 上帝;至高无上者。 n. -ness
commander n. 1.指挥者;【军事】指挥官,司令官。 2.【海军】中校,副舰长。 3.木槌。 the supreme commander最高统帅。 the C- of the Faithful 大教长〔Sultan 或 Caliph 的称号〕。 the commander of the point 侦察组组长。
" we hereby undertake for the emperor , the japanese government , and their successors to carry out the provisions of the potsdam declaration in good faith , and to issue whatever orders and take whatever action may be required by the supreme commander for the allied powers or by any other designated representative of the allied powers for the purpose of giving effect to that declaration 我们兹此保证遵守波茨坦协议所拟礼待天皇,日本政府及其继任者的条款,无论任何法令及采取任何行动必须得到盟军最高统帅的指令或由同盟国拟定贯彻(波茨坦)协定的制约。
" we hereby command all japanese forces wherever situated and the japanese people to cease hostilities forthwith , to preserve and save from damage all ships , aircraft , and military and civil property , and to comply with all requirements which may be imposed by the supreme commander for the allied powers or by agencies of the japanese government at his direction 我们兹此颁令所有日本辖下地区的武装部队以及日本人民立即停止任何敌视行为,以便处理及援救受损船舰、战斗机,军用及民事财产以及必须遵循由盟军最高统帅的指示及由他监督下由日本政府所颁布的所有法令。
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP) (originally briefly styled Supreme Commander of the Allied PowersWe, the Japanese people, p. 360, Dale M.